Under the direction of the Chair, Club President-Elect, seek to strengthen and broaden the acquaintance and awareness of members with a wide variety of subjects through outstanding speakers. All programs are to be approved bu Club President. Send the Speaker/Program form asking for a biography, picture, title of the talk, AV equipment needed, etc. This should be returned to the Rotary Office by the 15th of the preceding month for publishing online and in the monthly Rotary Bee. The person securing the speaker will introduce them at the Rotary Luncheon and send a follow-up thank you note. If no one is assigned, the Conducting Officer will assume the responsibility.
Committee Members
Salt Lake City
member Name Info ImgLinda Bonar
member photo
Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City
member Name Info ImgRobert Meyer
member photo
Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City
member Name Info ImgHeidi Ruster
member photo
Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City
member Name Info ImgJeff Young
member photo
Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City